Project supported by the Living Memories call: Support for the management and promotion of community archives and museums, through the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Mexico, through the General Directorate of Cultural Links and the government of Mexico City, within the framework of the Chapultepec, Nature and Culture priority project.
Various activities were carried out throughout the month – the first temazcal was opened and held in the community, the traditional bath and the planting of the names of Xiuktonal and Chikaksentli were carried out. A dialogue was held for the indigenous peoples and communities of the representatives of the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples, the Municipal Welfare and Indigenous Affairs Program, as well as the presence of authorities and residents of the community of Los Puentes, Huautla, Hidalgo, there was also the presence of compañeras from the Mazahua, Tepehuano and Hñahñu people.
a meeting of traditional dancers from the region and from other states was held.
In Coatzonco we celebrated the commemoration and anniversary of the Chikome Xochitl ceremony.
We had a dialogue with the community authorities, young people, to share the obligations, responsibility of being a community authority.
Then we continued with workshops for all ages. We had a workshop on Guitar, Singing, Bracelets, Loom and traditional board games. In the afternoon we had a gathering with all the young people, girls and boys.
We had the concert program of guest artists from different states of the republic and from different native languages. The wind band «Flor de Azucena» was also present.
We had the visit of the chapel committee of the town of Ixtahuac to request our collaboration for its patronal festival.
Meeting with the parents of the young dancers to publicize the activities that take place within Tochan-Mihtotilistli
Meeting with authorities of the women’s committee, school committee, health committee, general women’s assembly and delegate; the milpas of the people who participated in the Tochan-milli project were being visited. Visited Cuatzonco and accompanied the women to milpas to feed the corn plants.
Cleaning of the physical space that the Los Puentes Community lent to the Tochan Community for cultural activities and conditioning of the two latrines that were abandoned, for community use.
We leave the links of how the activities were carried out:
- Temascal preparations
- Ceremony preparations
- Ignition of the fire for temascal
- Temascal
- Traditional bathroom
- Ceremonía bendición de casa
- House blessing ceremony
- Here is a link to how the meeting took place
- Here is the link of how the event was developed