It began with the cleaning of the soccer field. We held a meeting with the managers of the Center for the Development of Women of Huautla (CDM) to introduce ourselves, let them know about the work that has been carried out, as well as the upcoming works of the month that will be mainly with the women of the Bridges.
Within the framework of the celebration of the International Day of Indigenous Women, we held a meeting of women in Los Puentes, attended by the staff of the Center for the Development of Women of Huautla (CDM), and women who are part of the committee, women’s committee, school committee, and neighbors in general.
A meeting was held with authorities from the Tlacuapa community: the Delegate, the School Committee and mothers, an informative meeting on the Tochan Community project.
We visited the Tecacahuaco community to invite the ladies to the corn party to be held in the Coatzonco Community.
Tochan-mihtotilistli, we participated in the cultural event organized by the Municipal Presidency of Huautla in commemoration of the National Holidays 2022.
The Corn Ceremony was held in the Community of Cuatzonco; We attended an informative meeting of the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples held at the Municipal Presidency of Huautla.
We attended an Elomanilistli Chikomekomexochitl corn ceremony in the municipality of Nuevo Acatepec, Xochiatipan.
The elomantilistli chikomexochitl corn ceremony was held in Los Puentes.
Meeting in the neighboring community of Tlacuapa to organize how the Tochan Community will participate in the celebration of Xantolo at the primary school.
- Here the link of the meeting
- Link to see the video of the ceremony